Name This Blog!
When I started this blog back in 2007 it was purely for selfish reasons. I was looking to move to NYC and needed a job. So, I used this site to define my online presence and showcase my past work for potential employers. But, as I began to write, something strange happened… I began to love doing so! And thus, the blog was reborn.
Today, over 4 years later, I have redefined this site as a place where I look to share my experiences in user experience with whomever will listen. Only one thing is missing… a blog name! Back when I first put my blog together it was a representation of my online self. As such, the site name of Elisabeth Hubert made sense. But now, as I look to complete the re-definition once and for all, I’m hoping to come up with a name that is a better fit. Being the UX person that I am, I thought there was no better place to turn to for input than to the blog users… meaning you.
Below are some ideas that I’ve been thinking about. If you like any of them (seriously, it’s ok if you don’t), then please vote for the one you like best. If you don’t like any of them I’d love to hear other ideas in the Other field or in the post comments. I can’t wait to hear what you all think and want to thank you so much in advance for participating!
[polldaddy poll=5922639]