Down Time
Sometimes I just need to get away. I need to not read about anything work related or experience anything that makes me think… how could that have been better? I see some professionals that are entrenched in this work and I wonder why am I not like that? Why am I exhausted at the end of the day and not energized. I think “am I just not made for this?”The funny part is when I take time away, that’s when I get the best and most creative ideas. Not so different from what Scott Berkun describes in his book “The Myths of Innovation” which I always go back to. This book was enlightening for me in that it’s helped me reflect on my own career and realize that the exhaustion is my mind hitting a wall and I just need to step away and find another way around.
This post isn’t a plug for the book, although I would suggest reading it and keeping it close, but more of a personal revelation if you will. I’ve been on vacation for a week with my parents in town and have experienced some of the most beautiful parts of San Antonio, scenes which I know will influence in a positive light my work in the future. I look forward to exploring and discovering the new ideas that come to me and seeing where they go. And I understand that I too am entrenched in this work :).