Now that the new year is upon us, I decided I to take the time to think about what it is I want to accomplish in 2014. Yeah, I realize I’m a few days over due for the New Year, but better late than never. With that said, here are a few mantras that I’m going to attempt to stick to in 2014 in order to guide my intended accomplishments.
Do What You Love
I have written about this before, the idea that there is a lack of passion in my work. That’s not to say I don’t love what I do, I do. I enjoy working in UX and consulting a great deal. However, I very often find myself doing things (attending certain events/conferences, writing a certain piece, attending a meeting, working with a certain client, etc) because I feel that I “should” do them. This year, I’m going to have a sharp focus on doing things because I love to do them. Of course, love of stuff doesn’t always pay the bills, but ask yourself this: why can’t it? Or, at least, why can’t it help to? Thus, by following this mantra I hope to do some, or all, of the following in 2014:
• Speak at more non-UX focused conferences and events
• Write for non-UX focused sites and publications
• Start or contribute to some sort of podcast or audio/video blog
• Write more for creative purposes, and more creative pieces
• Collaborate more with trusted and new friends/colleagues on projects, ideas, and more
Find What You Love
Doing what you love to do means that first you have to figure what it is you love to do. Thus, this mantra is about me being aware and in the moment enough to realize when I’m falling in love with something I’m doing. It also means not being afraid to love to do something that others hate, and to not be afraid to get to know myself better. By following this mantra I hope to do more of the following this year:
• Attend and be present at different types of events, classes, etc.
• Meet even more liked minded individuals that I can learn and gain inspiration from
• Continue to fight through any hesitation
Be What You Love
Lastly, I think there is something to be said about embodiment. I’m talking about not just going through the motions of goals and goal setting, but to understand why you are are setting goals for yourself, and then to embody that reasoning both internally and externally. This mantra is about staying true to yourself and your beliefs, working with and for people that remind you of who and why you are, and all the while asking yourself “why am I doing this?” and believing and aligning with the answer.
There you have it folks, my goals for 2014. This list may seem Non-UXy, or too general, but I’m standing behind it 100%, because I believe that by better all aspects of yourself, you will easily better your work.
What are YOU trying to accomplish this year?