Have ideas and thoughts about IA or UX that you want to write about but you:
A. Don’t want to set up a blog
B. Don’t have time to keep a blog
C. Just have one or a few ideas that are ready to “write about”. Not enough for your own blog.
D. Just want to test the waters and see if you can do it, or
E. Want to publish it to a new audience?
Well then… perhaps we can come to an arrangement. I personally love writing for my blog. It keeps me sane because it allows me to voice my ideas and opinions, while hearing your thoughts about those ideas and opinions. It takes me away from the day to day and launches me into conversations that I may never have had.
Unfortunately, for the next month or two, I’ll be too booked up to write as much as I’d like. (no worries though, I’ll be jotting ideas to pen once I return). And, although interns Chris and Kofi have been doing a great job contributing content, I thought I would give others the chance to contribute as well.
So I’m looking for guest bloggers for the Keeping It Real About UX blog. Here are the requirements I’m looking for:
The requirements
Interested? Drop me an email and let’s get to it!