Part of the “5 Minutes a Day” series
It’s Monday, the start of the work week. It occurred to me today how often I take that for granted. The beginning of anything is usually a critical part of getting it right. The start sets the tone for how the rest is going to work out, and so it should be with the work week.
What made me think of this? People often times ask me “Are you nervous before you go on stage to speak? How do you get through it?”. My answer is always “Yes, I’m terrified. BUT I try to have a really solid opening, a really great start to the presentation. This launches me into the rest of the session, sets my foundation, helps me engage the audience from the beginning and makes me feel comfortable even with many eyes looking at me”.
What I realized is that this metaphor could apply to anything in life. That having a really solid foundation allows one to build, layer on, make better, and that is what I aim to do with each aspect of my life. I think you should want to try that as well… you’ll be surprised how many good things just start to “happen to you” once you set this aim.
So, this Monday (and hopefully many after) I’m going to take a few minutes to visualize the rest of my week and how it will play out. I’m going to visualize the successes, the hurdles, the goods and the bads (mostly the goods), and see if that helps me to take a new and different approach to my week, a better approach that extends me beyond my normal possibilities. Let’s see what happens!