A while ago I started thinking more about different wireframing tools. I subscribe to the several wireframe focused feeds, and have begun realizing that I never really read them anymore. And, I was also seeing that although there were some really cool free tools coming out, that I never really have the need for them since I use any one of the more mainstream tools to get my work done.
So, this got me wondering… who out there is really using these tools. They must have some kind of market. If you or someone you know goes out and tries these different tools, I’d love to hear about which ones in the comments. Also, I’d love to hear more about when you use them. For instance, are they just for a quick sketch, or do you make finished client deliverables using them. What are the reasons that they are more appealing that other tools? Is cost the only option?
If you have, do, will use different tools besides the biggies (Illustrator, Fireworks, Visio, Omnigraffle, Axure, Balsamiq) I’d really appreciate to hear from you! Even if just to tame my curiosity :-).