This week Johnny Holland Magazine published an awesome article by Director of UX Jeff Gothelf. In it, Jeff talked about how TheLadders implemented an Agile methodology in their company. It’s a great read, so make sure to check it out: Beyond Staggered Sprints: How Integrated UX into Agile.
There are several things that I want to point out about the article as well as how TheLadders integrated UX with Agile. First, the article points out that they failed. In fact, they failed several times before they were able to gain momentum and create a functioning system. They admited to their failure, but they didn’t let it deter them. Instead they learned from it and tried again.
Second, and more important, is that Jeff actually describes in detail not only the steps and attempted processes the team took, but also the tools that they used along the way. He also describes when and how they used these tools as well as what worked and what didn’t. This is exactly the type of read I was hoping to see more of when I wrote Issues with Agile, UX and How We Talk About It!
Thus, hopefully we, as a community, will all use this type of article for inspiration. UX can be integrated with Agile. You WILL fail along the way, but you will also learn. The more that information, stories and tips like this become available to us, however, the more we’ll be able to learn and the less we’ll make the same mistakes. Maybe, just maybe, we’re on the right path. Thanks to Johnny Holland and Jeff for starting us off!