I’m very excited to announce that I’ll be appearing on the Women in Technology blog from time to time as one of their guest bloggers. WIT is a site that is committed to keeping women informed and knowledgeable about technology in order to fulfill their site goal, which is to increase the number of women in the IT field. My focus for guest blogging will be to inform women about the profession of User Experience and share my experiences being a women in the UX field. Hopefully, knowing more about UX and how it fits into the IT world will help more women feel enabled to build their careers in technology. I’d love to hear ideas for posts from all of you, so if you have them please leave them in the comments.
If this is a topic that you are interested in, be sure to check out the Women in Technology blog as well as follow @womenintech on twitter. Currently, Women in Technology is focused in the UK, but I’m sure that having their site up and running will influence women across the globe.
A big thank you to Michele Marut for surfacing this opportunity to me! Wish me luck on this new writing venture, I can’t wait to get typing :-).