This post is the 6th in a series I began called Reasons why your developer hates you. In this series I try to bring to light frustrations from the development world. For this week’s reason entitled “You’re not learning anything about this technology” I go back to a comment that Chris Avore made on the post for Reason #3. Check out the comment here.
Chris’ basic point is that UXers should have some sort of general knowledge regarding technology. When I started to think about this more I began reflecting on comments that I’ve heard from developers in the past. Or, simply, the look on their faces when a UXer has gone to them for the 15th time with the same question and is still not making a connection. I always tell people that in order to be a good UX designer having a technical background isn’t necessary. It is extremely helpful, but I wouldn’t call it a requirement. I would, however, say that having the ability to pick up technical knowledge is a must. And not just having the ability, but the willingness and interest as well. Here is an example:
Jane, a UX Designer, goes to Jamie, a developer, and asks her if her solution is possible. Jamie tells Jane that her design isn’t easy because of ABC. A few months later, Jane returns with a similar design, even though Jamie took the time to explain why the design isn’t easy, and asks if the design is possible. Did you even take in any information that Jamie said Jane?
Bottom line is that there are UXers out there that are highly intimitated by developers and their realm… and that is to be expected. But if these UXers brush off technology as “the developer’s job” they are doing everyone on the team AND their users a huge disservice. It’s easy to ignore something that is a challenge, but this makes the project and later similar efforts inefficient and causes the team to question your credibility, and sometimes the credibility for all UX designers and the value they add. I’m definitely not saying that you need to go out and learn to code. I am saying that you should take an interest in learning about technology and how your designs fit into your technological constraints. This is an invaluable exercise that will no only strengthen your relationship with your developer, but also strengthen the quality of your work… which can only help the end user.