Last night I FINALLY attended my first NY Tech Meetup (thanks for the heads up Whitney and Ann B!) and it was awesome. I’ve been meaning to attend for some time, but never took the opportunity. I’m so glad that I did.
For those of you who haven’t heard of it, the NY Tech Meetup brings together people who are interested in the tech space, people who are from many different backgrounds. There are some announcements and then there are demos of upcoming sites (mostly in beta). After the demos there is time to talk and mingle, which is a GREAT time to showcase your networking skills. Lastly everyone heads out for drinks and more mingling. Sadly I didn’t have the stamina to attend the post meetup event. Still working on getting to that one.
I did want to be sure to call out some of the great demos that I saw last night, and encourage you to check them out! SetJam looks to make watching any show or movie of your choice easier and cheaper that the cable alternative. Postling is an interesting and easy way for businesses to manage their social media. Tagnic is a fun way to utilize Twitter. CloudContacts helps to manage all your physical business cards electronically. And AnyClip introduces a new way to search and tag. All great ideas that you should take a few minutes to check out. Note that some of these are still in private Beta mode, however see if you can get on the list if you are interested in using them.
Lastly I wanted to bring up the Big App competition that was showcased last night. It’s a competition that is being put together by NYC and a group that runs Go to the challenge on ChallengePost to read more!
As you can see this was a lot of fun and a TON of cool and useful info. I’ll be sure to make it out next time, and you never know maybe I’ll hang in there for the after party.